We will visit 3 South Jersey breweries:
Masks required and please don’t come if you don’t feel well!
- The front seat will be off-limits to guests.
- Hand sanitizer will be readily available in the tour vehicle.
- Our guide will wash their hands, in compliance with the CDC guidance on hand washing, at least once at every brewery, especially when touching multiple items.
- If our guide are bussing a table to help out the brewery staff, they will wash hands immediately following.
- Guide will use a pitcher, where possible, to distribute beer to guests and cut down on glassware.
- Guide will distribute plastic cups for tastings, where possible, by opening the bottom end of a sleeve of cups and allowing guests to remove one cup at a time by the base.
- Guide will take their temperatures frequently to monitor for fever and will not work if they are sick. After an illness, a guide can return to work after receiving a negative test for COVID-19 or having no fever for 14 days.
- *We will clean and sanitize all surfaces of our vehicles prior to, and following, every tour using approved sanitizers.